Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Unstable Emotion: I'm Getting Fucked Up With All Of These!!!

What a title isn't it??

Well, that has been my personal message (status) in my Yahoo messenger and MSN messenger since yesterday.
Most of my friends ask: "Why?", "What happen to you?", "Hey, your status was so scarying last night, what's wrong with you?", etc...
The answer is as simple as the question: "Because I feel like that. Damn it!"

This is the worst semester I've ever experienced. I took 23 SKS, and now I regret it. The subjects I am taking currently are:
  • 4 SKS Biochemistry II: Metabolism and Genetics Information; By: Ms. Fida Madayanti W.
  • 3 SKS Inorganic Chemistry III: Structure and Inorganic Reactivity; By: Mr. Bambang Prijamboedi & Mr. ISmUNaNdAr
  • 3 SKS Structure Elucidation; By: Mr. Yana M. Syah, Mr. Zeily Nurachman; Mr. ISmUNaNdAr, and (in memoriam) Ms. Sadijah Achmad
  • 3 SKS Physical Organic Chemistry; By: Ms. Ciptati and (in memoriam) Ms. Sadijah Achmad
  • 3 SKS Environmental Chemistry; By: Mr. Hidayat Mc. and Mr. M. Ali Zulfikar
  • 2 SKS Special Project; By: Mr. Veinardi Suendo
  • 2 SKS Research Plan; By: Mr. Achmad Rochliadi and Ms. Rita Anggraini
  • 2 SKS Self-Potential Management; By: Ms. Rr. Sri Wahyuni
  • 1 SKS Chemistry and Society; By: Ms. Megawati Santoso

Well, even though Chemistry and Society, Self-Potential Management, Research Plan, and Special Project (total 7 SKS) do not require any formal exam, but the assignments are quite nuts!!!

For the UTS mark, Self-Potential Management makes us do a simple paper about ourselves. Ok, it is still easy.

Special Project; we have to do proposals and do the research in a short time. Ok, my research is done right now, only a few characterization left for IR spectroscopy, and NMR specroscopy.

Research Plan... This subject is one of the hardest to follow. Every week, there will be an assignment that will have to be sent to the mailing list. The assignments are not so simple. Making proposals, search for international journals, make executive summary of the journals, search for journals in most libraries in ITB, etc. Damn, it is really a tiring subject...

Chemistry and Society is the one that irritates me the most... Every week, I have to attend the class from about 1.30 pm until (the latest) 6.30 pm. The lecturer is a guest lecturer and different every week. Ms. Mega, my wali takes the responsibility of this class. As usual, she is very strict, NO ONE CAN BE LATE... Ok, the class is fun, I like the class and I got many knowledge from that class. BUT, we have to make the summary of each class. 10 pages each summary, font is Trebuchet MS size 11, single spaced, margins 2 cm equally. From six papers, 3 of them, that I've made, I made them WITHOUT SLEEPING!!! I'm so sleepy every friday morning, every saturday I sleep the whole day, every sunday I will have to do my assignments again for monday. Again, it's ok because I write the papers in english (thanks a lot to my mom who has been teaching me english ever since I was only 5 years old), so Ms. Mega always gives me an A++++ (yes with 4 + in that).
Here comes the irritating part... One day, I wanted to print the 3rd assignment. I queued at the printing place for quite a while. At 1.00 I finally had the chance to print, BUT unfortunately the lights suddenly went off. *poof*... And I cannot print there... Panicked, I ran to the Oceanography building to print, no luck, it was still closed at that time. I ran back to my building, asking for papers and printed them in the printing place my building (which at that time was ran out of paper, so we have to bring our own paper)... The printer was sooo damn slow!!!!! FOR GOD'S SAKE, CHANGE THOSE STUPID PRINTERS WILL YOU????? At 1.40 I ran to class, but the class has already begun, I managed to snuck in but then Ms. Mega realized I and one of my friend were snucking in. She was angry and by the end of the class, she talked much about that. Nothing to do, whatever my excuse was, I was still late that day. By the end of the class, because the 1st assignment wasn't so good, she asked us to take back the papers that was collected that day. AAAAAAARRRGGGH!!!!!! If I didn't even bother to print, she wouldn't know that I did not collect the paper that day, and I wouldn't be late that day!!!!!!
And yesterday, April 06th, 2009. The marks for three assignments from Chemistry and Society came out. Because I and several friends were late, our maximum marks will be AB only. Except if we ask for additional assignment to make our marks become A again. OMG, I really cannot endure anymore... This subject is only 1 SKS but it feels like 4 SKS!!!!
Every friday morning, most honors students come late, or skip the class. The first class on friday is Biochemistry... I feel sorry for Ms. Fida. I really do. The last time a student came late, she was angry and asked "why are you late?" Well, since the late one was an honors student, she answered "I woke up late, I slept at 1 am last night because I was working on Chemistry and Society assigntment" There goes her patience........ Unfortunately, most lecturers have been complaining about that subject, which every honors student makes the subject a more priority than other subjects even though it is only 1 SKS... Well yeah we think so also, we are tired also... Last time, we didn't learn for Biochemistry and Environmental Chemistry exam (total 7 SKS), just to finish the Chemistry and Society paper that is only 1 SKS... WE SACRIFICE 7 SKS JUST FOR THE SAKE OF 1 SKS, AND NOW MY MAXIMUM MARK IS AB UNLESS I ASKED FOR AN ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT?????????????? GET REAL DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ms. Fida herself almost looked like she was about to cry that time. I really really feel sorry for her. We didn't mean to make her angry and sad like that because by doing that, we seem like underestimating her and her subject. Her subject is the highest SKS, 4 SKS!!!
Now that this Chemistry and Society class has ended, and only 1 paper left (well, two papers for me thanks to my lateness that day), we are really hoping we can focus on our studies now.

Environmental Chemistry was a mess, no one could do the exam well. It was such a strange subject. I do not want to get a D for this subject like I got for Environmental Science in my first year.

Inorganic Chemistry didn't turn out well. The marks have been announced, most students get marks below 60 including me of course... Damn it... We didn't have enough time during the exam, which was purposely done by our lecturers. Only gave us 110 minutes to do 5 numbers, each contains minimum 4 points (a, b, c, d)...

Structure Elucidation wasn't good also, number one is wrong, number two is half wrong, and I don't know what happen to my number three and four... I just hope it turns out well...

So now, I write it once again:

I really need some holiday... Even this week's holiday will not be sufficient enough for me, because I will have to do the Chemistry and Society papers, two biochemistry reports, etc...

I am a very patient person... I never get angry for just a simple case... But, my patience also has its limit... Now I am at my limit... That's why I said that my emotion is unstable, I can blow up suddenly... Don't play with my patience, I hate it when I have to be angry... Damn it!!!!!!

Tomorrow I have Physical Organic Chemistry exam, and I don't even know what it is about... Trying to learn... But I still have the inorganic journal for tomorrow's lab class... GHEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sign di blogger


Anonymous said...

How a 'wonderful' story ray..
I hope you can be calm down after you write it all..
"I made them WITHOUT SLEEPING!!!"
Oh My God, are you really not sleeping? ckckck

ray_ap88 said...

yeah Bundo...
it is a "very wonderful" story...
jarang2 nih ngomel di blog...
yes i really didnt sleep every thursday... makanya jg tiap jumat ngantuk aja bawaannya =,=

tIan TiAn said...

hei gor,dun be so stress..just face it like normal k??ganbateh..and ur post..bloody long.but i noe the feelings la.dun worry so much

ray_ap88 said...

yeah but really cannot endure anymore... after this semester i think i wanna have a self-party at hanamasa... wuakaakakakaka... so stress dy... yup sorry if its too long and boring hehehe

Anonymous said...

whoa I didnt read the whole post. made me fuzzy.
you crazy. (baca pake logat melayu)

ray_ap88 said...

urang ge fuzzy...
kapan jalan2 lg yah...
td gak jd nonton euy...